Nick Kozak

Nick Kozak
Combat Veteran/Current Law Enforcement
Nick was born and raised in the Midwest and was taught at an early age that service to your country was of the utmost importance. Growing up, Nick gravitated to the veterans in his family and found himself in the Boy Scouts being mentored by veterans of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Using the lessons learned from these veterans, Nick earned the rank of Eagle Scout and solidified his decision to enlist in the United States Army to become a Paratrooper.
Over the last 27 years, Nick has served honorably in the United States Army, the Illinois Army National Guard, and as a Police Officer. His various assignments include the 18th Airborne Corps, 82nd Airborne Division, and is currently serving in a National Guard Special Forces Group. Nick has several overseas and combat deployments; the most recent of which was to the SOCSOUTH Area of Operations.
As a Police Officer, Nick holds several positions within his department and is a Lead Instructor within the Training Division. During his time as a law enforcement instructor, he pioneered the current weapons, counter-assault, and TECC training program utilized by his department and Special Response Team. He has also worked counter-WMD operations, national crisis response, and is currently serving on a local joint task force.
Being asked to be a member of the Triumph Systems Pro Staff is an honor for Nick. The mission of Triumph Systems directly aligns with Nick’s belief that quality training will reduce liability, create stronger skillsets, and put warfighters, first responders, and responsible civilians at the top of their game.