Do De-escalation of Force Policies keep our neighborhoods safer?

It’s no surprise that Law Enforcement agencies from coast-to-coast are not only challenged to fill recruitment classes, but additionally, with what has become termed “the war on cops”, officers and deputies are leaving the force at an alarming rate.  This results in undermanned agencies, overworked police force, and safety issues to the communities they serve.

This in tandem with technological advancements - smart phones and Facebook live - allows unprecedented access to view law enforcement activities unfold realtime and is creating an accelerant to fuel the unwarranted fire against our law enforcement community.


The politicians that we elect too often cave into public outcry – not because it’s right or ethical – and too infrequently stand up for those charged to protect the communities that elected them into public office.  This type of behavior within the political ranks manifests itself in many ways; one of which is highlighted in the article below.  To sum it up, the de-escalation-type policies forced upon many agencies are not the sole solution.  Is there a place for de-escalation?  Of course, and de-escalation is always preferred, but it should not create unnecessary risks to officers and the innocent as what happened here.

As it pertains to this article (read it here) and so many incidents, ask yourself this:

Does the person in question have 1) motive, 2) capability, and 3) opportunity?  
Let’s break it down…
  1. Motive:  The suspect has a hostage and has already stabbed her.  Yes, he’s motivated.  If you’re asking why, it’s irrelevant to the responding officers. 
  2. Capability:  Yes, he’s able bodied and in possession of a deadly weapon… in fact, he’s already stabbed the hostage.
  3. Opportunity (and this is what’s most bothersome):  Responding officers had their hands tied behind their backs due to an aggressive ‘de-escalation’ policy and because of that has to use ‘less than lethal’ force.  Instead being able to neutralize the threat through the use of ‘less than lethal’, the suspect was able to fortify his position by using the hostage as a human shield.  At this point, the suspect initiated slicing the hostage’s neck.  In fear of her life, officers used deadly force and unfortunately the hostage died from their gunfire.
This is tragic and could have been 100% avoided IF police are allowed to do their jobs.
Something to think about.  Leave you comments below.
Train hard and stay frosty.

About Triumph Systems

Triumph Systems is a Shooting target and training systems manufacturer, based out in St. Louis, MO. Founded by former Navy SEAL Jared Ogden in 2015, our mission is to provide cognitive and discretionary training to the citizens of the United States of America and the people from Law Enforcement Agencies. We strive to make everyone responsible user of firearms. All our products are designed, developed, and manufactured by the Americans and for the Americans. We are approved & recommended by the NTOA (National Tactical Officers Association). To learn more about Triumph Systems & our products please feel free to email us at: or call us anytime at 314-882-4324.

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